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Our Cattery Castle is located in Central Arkansas in the Ozark Mountains
We started in 2020, with our first King, Neveahs Paws Erik the Great acquired in 2021. Erik the Great reigns proudly over his kingdom, and the rest of his fluffer family. Currently, his subjects consist of the founders of KimberCoons, Kimberly (lady in waiting), Neveahs Paws Charlie (Knight of the Round Food-bowl), and Neveahs Paws Benjamin who is the Royal Food Tester. The Court Jester is a Maine Coon rescue, Pumpkin. We have two princes that aspire to be kings someday, Ginger Pascal, and Neveahs Paws Rafael. We have one Queen, Quincee Oxymoron (known as Marilyn in our castle). We have four princesses that aspire to ascend to queendom someday, Alegiancelove X-Aster (Princess Sophia), Marelax Pride Urmala, Alegiancelove Deanna, and Alegiancelove Delora.
Where All Began
Some of my favorite childhood memories are from the time spent on my grandparent’s farm in Northwest Arkansas. They had a beautiful farm just outside of the small town of Greenwood filled with ducks, rabbits, chickens, cows, and a couple of horses.
From time to time my grandparents had a dog, which I don’t really remember much about. However, they did have a cat named Teddy Bear. He was a big, beautiful cat and I loved to pet him because of his long thick fur. He was not like the cats we would see back home around Kansas City, so I thought he was a special “Arkansas cat". It wasn’t until I was a little older that I found out that Teddy was actually a Maine Coon. I am not sure where my grandparents acquired Teddy, but they knew he was a very special cat. I am not sure they even knew much about Maine Coons, but he was the last cat that my grandparents ever had, because Teddy just couldn’t be replaced. He has held a special place in my heart, and the hearts of my dad, his sister, and my cousins. I always knew that someday I wanted to find another cat like Teddy.
After my dad passed away on Father’s Day of 2020, I told myself that I was going to get a Maine Coon to fill the void that his passing had left in my life, if that was even possible. I wanted a male that resembled Teddy as much as possible, and I was going to name the cat after my dad. That is how I came to make Charlie a part of my family. But when I went to pick Charlie up from the breeder, he was curled up peacefully with one of his siblings, another male kitten who was a beautiful cream tabby. I fell in love with both of them immediately. So that day I took home Charlie and Benjamin, and so began my obsession with the Maine Coon, all over again.

We are dedicated to make sure all our kittens are healthy and that they meet the Maine Coon standard. Whether it’s your first Maine Coon kitten experience, or you're a Maine Coon graduate, your new kitten's wellbeing is central to everything we do.